RMA Request

RMA Request

To obtain an RMA number, please complete the following form. RMA Request (ametekpi.com)  Be prepared with the details regarding your specific RMA request, safety decontamination, and end user information.

The minimum fee for an in-house repair is 2 hours of labor totalling $730.  If the repair is completed, this amount will be deducted from your labor charges.

Our standard practice is to obtain a purchase order for a Do Not Exceed amount prior to issuing the RMA number. When you submit the form, you will receive a confirmation email with the Do Not Exceed amount listed.  You can also select your model above and see the Do Not Exceed amount. This pre-determined amount is based on instrument type and will typically cover standard repairs for your instrument. We will ONLY invoice you for the actual services received. Upon evaluation, if it is determined that a more extensive repair is required, you will be quoted and asked for approval prior to the repair being completed. 

Please send your Purchase Order to PI.Aftermarket@ametek.com noting that we will not be able to schedule your instrument until the PO has been received.  If you have registgered and are an approved customer on our ecommerce store, you may continue by adding the RMA Request item to your cart and upload your PO at the checkout screen.  You will not be charged anything at this point.  The value of the RMA Request is $0.  Once the repair is completed and or quoted, you will be sent a an official quote and link to checkout for the actual charges.

Minimum Charge: The minimum charge for any repair is 2 hours at the current labor rate.   

The confirmation email you receive will contain a case number for reference. Please note that this is NOT the RMA number. We will review your digital form and issue the RMA number within 24 hours, Monday – Friday. Feel free to contact us with any questions.