Tax Exempt Policy
Verified Tax exempt customers will not be charged tax on their online orders. To become tax exempt you must first create a new Customer Account and then verify your tax-exempt status with Process Instruments Customer Service.
Follow these steps to create a tax exempt account:
1. Click 'Register' at the top right of the page.
2. Check YES under "Tax Exempt?".
3. Enter your Tax ID number.
4. Finish filling out the form and click "Create Account".
5. During the registration process, we will confirm that we have a current tax exemption certificate on file for you. If we do not, you will be notified on your confirmation email.
6. If requested on your confirmation email, email a digital copy of your tax exemption certificate to PI-ORDERS.PA-PIT@AMETEK.COM.
7. Once verified, all future orders will reflect your tax exempt status. Please allow one business day for verification.
Please Note: If you place an order before confirming your tax exempt status, you will be charged sales tax. To receive a tax refund, contact Customer Service at: 412-828-9040 or Email us at: PI-ORDERS.PA-PIT@AMETEK.COM.